The big bad wolf series revolves around Cooper Dayton, a BSI agent (an offshoot of the FBI, that handles “special” crimes) and Oliver Park, an agent with the Trust, a werewolf organization. They meet when Park and Cooper have to work together to investigate a series of deaths. Park is a werewolf and Cooper is a human, but they can’t deny the chemistry between them. Each book has a mystery that is tied up at the end – no cliffhangers – and their relationship grows with each book.
To say I loved this series would be an understatement.
I’ve been fighting a reading slump lately — still reading but just not loving the books I’d picked up. I was 60% through one such book and just wasn’t feeling it (think I’m burned out a bit on contemporary romances), so decided to change up the genre a bit with a paranormal romance mystery. So I picked up The Wolf at the Door and didn’t look up again until I had finished Cry Wolf. I started on audio, but switched to my kindle when I realized I wouldn’t be putting them down.
The mysteries were just twisty enough to keep me guessing, the werewolf/human politics were intriguing, and spice was hot (but also sweet and even a bit tender at times), but it was the characters and their growth that really kept me glued to these books.
While this series did get me out of my slump, it also threw me right into a book hangover! Small price to pay! And if push comes to shove, I’ll just start them all over again.
“Dreams change. People change. Please just don’t stop giving me the chance to change with you.”
Charlie Adhara – Cry Wolf
If you are looking for a paranormal shifter mystery romance, I urge you to pick this one up! I will be going back to re-read soon!
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